Terms of Service
By browsing this website and in your capacity as a User, you acknowledge that you have read and accept the terms of service described below (hereinafter the "ToS").
You are advised to read the ToS whenever you visit this website, since they may be amended at any time without prior notice.
Refer to the legal notices and the cookies policy.
You are visiting the website of a public authority.
You can reuse the general structure of the website, the content, the text and the images displayed on the website/application according to the terms of the Etalab 2.0 open licence.
INRAE, as the publisher of this website, owns the trademarks and logos on the site unless otherwise stipulated. Consequently, you may not reuse the said trademarks and logos without prior written authorisation from INRAE.
Other content may also be subject to intellectual property rights.
The User may post such content on this website as a "Contributor". The rules that apply to contributions are set out in Section 4 "User Contributions".
Your intellectual property rights and obligations are described below, depending on whether or not you are a contributor.
There are two distinct cases.
Case n°1: you own the intellectual property rights for the content that you post on this website.
You agree to allow the identification of the conditions of use of your content by means of the following indications:
All rights reserved Users are granted no rights to the work.
Attribution (BY)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name.
Attribution (BY) - Share-alike (SA)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name and agree to share derivative
works under identical terms.
Attribution (BY) - No derivatives (ND)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name and do not adapt the original work.
Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name and do not use the work for commercial purposes.
Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - Share-alike (SA)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name, do not use the work for commercial purposes and agree to share derivative works under identical terms.
Attribution (BY) - Non-commercial (NC) - No derivatives (ND)
Users are granted all rights provided that they mention the original author's name, do not adapt the original work and do not use the work for commercial purposes.
Case 2: you are not the owner of the intellectual property rights of the content you upload to the site.
You undertake to allow identification by the indications mentioned above, if they are available from the third party owner(s), and failing this, not to copy, translate, reproduce, sell, publish, exploit and distribute this content, without the prior written authorisation of the holder of the rights to the accessible work.
- Content of a public nature may be used in accordance with the terms of th "Etalab 2.0" open licence. Such content can be identified by the following logo:

- Other content may be used in pursuance of the terms of the "Creative Commons" licences pertaining to digital content, which can be identified by any one of the following logos:
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- Exemptions concerning the use of content subject to intellectual property rights:
The Contributor owning the rights grants you the right to reproduce all or part of the website's content as a single copy for backup or printing only. This right is strictly granted for personal, private and non-collective use.
You have the right to quote the website's content in pursuance of French law (refer to Section L.122-5 of the French Intellectual Property Code).
Content designated as "all rights reserved" may not be reused.
If you have any questions about the public information on this website/application (identification, use, etc.), please contact the person who is responsible for providing access to the documents and who is duly authorised to answer questions about the reuse of public information (PRADA):
147, rue de l’université
75 338 Paris cedex 07
Tel :+33 (0)1 42 75 90 00
@: prada@inrae.fr
Publication rules.
Publication rules. Users are solely and entirely responsible for their posted contributions. You formally agree to comply with applicable legal and regulatory provisions. Without limitation, you shall not publish content that:
Infringes other people's rights, such as violating privacy rights or the right of publicity.
Is defamatory, disparaging, offensive, insulting, harassing, harmful to the protection of minors, or contrary to public order or decency.
Contains violent or pornographic material, incites others to commit crimes or offences, promotes discrimination and racial hatred, or encourages suicide or historical revisionism or negationism.
Is false, erroneous or deliberately misleading.
Discloses information that can be used to specifically and personally identify other users of the website, such as their address, postal address, email address or telephone number.
Is likely to cause a conflict of interest. A conflict of interest means any situation that creates interference between a public interest and public / private interests, which is likely to influence or appear to influence an individual's ability to perform their duties in an independent, impartial and objective manner.
Infringes the rules and practices enforced by your employer or inherent in your duties, including failure to comply with your obligation to exercise impartiality and professional discretion, or any other binding confidentiality obligation.
Infringes copyright (including reproduction, representation or dissemination of a work or software), neighbouring rights, trademark law or database law.
Aims to disseminate commercial, publicity or promotional messages, or advertising propaganda for products or services other than INRAE's own products and services.
Disseminates advice or comments that violate legal and regulatory provisions.
Messages posted on the website are previously moderated. Any contributions failing to comply with any one of the rules in these ToS will be rejected. However, INRAE reserves the right to subsequently remove any posted contribution that violates these ToS.
If you find that another user's contribution contravenes any one of the rules in these ToS or is clearly unlawful, you can report such content to INRAE using the email and/or postal address indicated in the legal notices relating to this website.
Hyperlinks from the website/application to external sites. The application may contain links to external sites (partner or third-party sites). INRAE may not be held liable for the content, use of the content or operation of such external websites.
Hyperlinks from external sites to the website/application. If you wish to add hyperlinks to the content of the website/application, you must:
Ensure that users can identify the origin and author of the document
Not violate the interests of INRAE, the publisher of the website/application
Website availability. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, INRAE makes no representations regarding the availability of the website and does not warrant that the information on the website will always be present.
IT security. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, INRAE does not warrant that the website, its features and its content are free of security flaws caused by hacking, intrusions, bugs, viruses or malware that may affect your computer hardware, software or data. You use the website, its features and its content at your own risk and under your sole responsibility.
You are required to take all necessary preventive measures to protect your own data, software and/or computer systems against contamination from any viruses and attacks.
Content quality. Despite its best efforts to disseminate reliable content, INRAE does not warrant that such content is free of errors, inaccuracies or omissions. You are solely responsible for viewing, choosing, using and interpreting the content on this website.
INRAE may not be held, by any express or implied obligation, as liable to you or third parties for any direct or indirect damage arising from the use of the information, particularly by reason of inaccurate or incomplete information, or an indexing error with all or part of the website.
User accounts. You are solely responsible for the use of your account and your access codes, and you shall therefore hold INRAE harmless if your account is used fraudulently by a third party.
Content posted with reference to an unidentified or incorrect licence.
The contributor is solely and entirely responsible. INRAE plays a purely technical role as a hosting provider.
Initial remarks are published under the responsibility of the user/contributor. Messages that contributors post in response to the articles express their personal convictions only.
Contributors are solely responsible for the exploitation, use and publication of the data that they may obtain.
INRAE shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the information disseminated by the contributors or for any technical problems encountered on the sites to which hyperlinks are established, or for any interpretation of the information published on those sites and the consequences of their use.
Similarly, contributors are solely responsible for any changes to their profile. INRAE shall not be liable for any errors or omissions in the information that users have modified or for the consequences of such modifications.
The site complies with accessibility standards.
As such, each site features an accessibility statement and warrants its compliance with applicable accessibility rules.
The long-term accessibility policy and the dedicated annual action plan are available at the following address:
Reporting. If you find an online communication service to be in breach of these terms of service, you can report the breach to INRAE at the following address:
This website collects personal data in the following instances:
Login: IP address, date, time, pages viewed and technical information relating to response times (through cookies)
when creating your user account or if you are logging in with your institutional account: the site login and your institutional e-mail address.
These personal data are processed electronically by the relevant controller and the website publisher, such as specified in the legal notices of the said website.
Such personal data are required for the website to perform correctly with:
If we create a user account for you or if you log in with your institutional account: all the data requested when the account was created.
Information collected by some cookies
The purpose of the personal data is to implement the website, measure traffic and address response time incidents.
The legal basis for processing your personal data is to provide a service of general interest, except for contact forms and certain cookies where the legal basis is your consent.
Data storage periods: | |
Data collected for the purpose | Storage period |
Complaints management | Five years from resolving the complaint |
Management and monitoring of users | Five years after the person has left, barring exceptions specified in law or regulations |
Physical and/or digital access to the platform | Until the account is closed |
Internal cookies required for the website to function correctly | Set to one day |
At the end of the stated storage periods, data will be destroyed.
For more information about cookies and trackers, please consult the page " Manage my cookies " Put a clickable link.
The recipients of the personal data are authorised personnel working in the controller's services, partners/supervisory bodies and providers in charge of managing and monitoring users, and implementing the website and the services offered.
In accordance with the EU regulation on the protection of personal data and the French Data Protection Act, you are entitled to access, correct, to withdraw your consent at any time, to oppose the use of, on grounds relating to your particular situation, and delete data held on you.
You may exercise these rights by contacting the publishing manager, such as specified in the legal notices, or by writing to the address indicated in the said notices.
If there are doubts about the identity of the person wishing to exercise such rights, a signed identity document will be required.
The controller has designated a Data Protection Officer (DPO).
You can contact the DPO by email at cil-dpo@inrae.fr or by writing to INRAE - 24, chemin de Borde Rouge - Auzeville - CS52627 - 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex - France.
If you believe that there is a breach of your data protection rights even after contacting the controller, you can lodge a complaint with the data protection authority (CNIL) by writing to the following address: Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés, 3 Place de Fontenoy, TSA 80715, 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 or online at http://www.cnil.fr/
The website editor reserves the right to amend these terms of service without prior notice.
You may terminate your use of the website at any time by unsubscribing in the space provided OR by sending an email to the email address and/or a letter to the postal address indicated in the legal notices relating to this website. INRAE will promptly take your termination request into account.
If you fail to comply with the obligations set forth herein, INRAE reserves the right to delete your account, prevent you from re-registering and take any action and/or remedies to stop any breach of these rights and obtain compensation for the damaged suffered.
These ToS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with French law, irrespective of the location in which the website is used. If any translated version of these ToS conflicts with the French version, only the French version will control. In the event of a dispute, you agree to contact INRAE in the first instance with the aim of reaching an amicable solution for any such disputes between the parties.
If the parties are unable to reach an amicable solution in respect of a dispute arising from or in connection with the validity, interpretation and/or performance of these ToS, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction and venue unless otherwise stipulated by legislation.
Last update : Febrary 2021